Seasonal Opportunities
Calling all naturalists and outdoor enthusiasts – if you love the natural world and spending your days outdoors come join the Nature Center team! Please contact the Nature Center Director at (315) 482-2479 for more information about any of the opportunities below.

Digital Media + Environmental Education Steward
The Student Conservation Association and New York State Parks seek enthusiastic conservationists to provide critical environmental education and stewardship of public lands.
This is a 10-month (1/22/2024–11/18/2024) AmeriCorps service position in environmental education with a concentration in social media and design. Benefits include housing in Wellesley Island State Park.

Animal Husbandry + Environmental Education Steward
The Student Conservation Association and New York State Parks seek enthusiastic conservationists to provide critical environmental education and stewardship of public lands.
This is a 10-month (1/22/2024–11/18/2024) AmeriCorps service position in environmental education with a concentration in animal care and aquarium husbandry. Benefits include housing in Wellesley Island State Park.

Gardening + Environmental Education Steward
The Student Conservation Association and New York State Parks seek enthusiastic conservationists to provide critical environmental education and stewardship of public lands.
This is a 10-month (1/22/2024–11/18/2024) AmeriCorps service position in environmental education with a concentration in gardening and land stewardship. Benefits include housing in Wellesley Island State Park.

Environmental Educator (2024 Season)
Environmental Educators at the Minna Anthony Common Nature Center connect State Park visitors to the natural world through public programming, interpretive hikes, and outdoor recreation. Several positions available.
< Applications due 4/1/2024 >

Kenneth Deedy Environmental Steward
The Kenneth Deedy Environmental Steward assists the Save The River (STR), Thousand Islands Land Trust (TILT), and the Minna Anthony Common Nature Center (MACNC) trustees and staff to better serve their missions. The Deedy Steward will spend three weeks respectively at each organization immersing themselves in the 1000 Islands region and what it is to be an environmental steward. This is an opportunity unlike any other – a true environmental internship in and of the 1000 Islands!
Applications due March 31, 2024.

Green Thumb 2024
Stay active and help keep New York State beautiful while supplementing your income! New York State’s Green Thumb Program offers a variety of suitable jobs working at various State facilities. We are looking for candidates 55 years of age or older to work in a part-time seasonal position(s) at the Minna Anthony Common Nature Center in Wellesley Island State Park. Shifts and days vary. Minimum wage program which is $15.00 per hour, and an average of 20 hours per week.
Applications accepted until filled